Under dog team move to final. In group stage selangor not rally consistent. But this team delivery to the next level more consistent. In the end go to final beat pahang contender piala malaysia 2014.
Archives for 2015
Team move to final piala malaysia 2015
Team move to final ..
Congratulations to kedah and selangor that move to final piala malaysia 2015. Kedah move to final after win 2-1 at stadium darul aman , Kedah. The total aggregate is Kedah 4-3Felda united. While selangor also move to final after semi final second leg win 2-0 vs pahang at stadium shah alam. Aggregate selangor 2-0 Pahang. [Read more…] about Team move to final piala malaysia 2015
Live streaming selangor vs pahang semi final piala malaysia 6.12.2015
Play at stadium shah alam. Selangor need to win this game if want to move final. Last game ended 0-0 with no goal at stadium darul makmur.
[Read more…] about Live streaming selangor vs pahang semi final piala malaysia 6.12.2015